Saturday, September 3, 2011

246 / 365 Turf War

I have been told that the hummingbirds seen in a garden one week will not be the same ones the next…  as the birds begin to migrate, they only stay in one location for a few days to feed, and then move on.  This weekend was the first time that I really noticed this turnover.  The hummers I observed today looked identical to last week’s crowd; however, this group was much more aggressive.  As I sat on the porch reading, I could hear their little bodies clicking and thumping as they smacked at each other.  I finally stepped out onto the patio and shooed them away when one had pinned the other down on the ground under the feeder.  H figures they must have flown down here from New York.     


  1. I've noticed our hummingbirds have to fight wasps at times to get to the sugar water! The wasp will stand up on hind legs (on the feeder edge) and wave their front ones at
    the little birds. Putting a half apple close to the feeder keeps occupied.
