Monday, September 19, 2011

262 / 365 I’ve Been Thinkin’

My sister S is well-known throughout our family for coming up with her best ideas while in the shower.  When she emerges, she announces that I’ve been thinkin’… at which point any family members within earshot quickly make themselves scarce.

I, on the other hand, like to reflect while stretched out on the floor with a pillow plumped under my head.  A girlfriend made this great cat-themed cushion for me several years ago.  I refer to is as my thinking pillow; it’s perfect for pondering.  I suppose, though, that for really grand ideas I could incorporate the pillow and a shower… who knows what I’d come up with?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had that pillow?? I love it because it has the feel of creativity, and you my darling, are the master of creative! You just need to let go... shower, dream on your pillow and then run through the streets sharing your wonderful ideas! I'm waiting...
