Tuesday, March 29, 2011

88 / 365 Silky Smooth (I Hope)

For those of you who don’t recognize this, it’s a Brillo pad that somehow found its way into the wash.  Luckily, it was in with some rags and towels that had been used for cleaning.  I was just about to add a load of undies when I discovered it.  Not wanting to take a chance on any lingering bits of steel wool in the washer and dryer, I wiped down the insides of both units and rewashed everything before starting an actual load of wearables.

H, thoughtful as always, asked me this evening if my undies were as silky-smooth as usual.  I assured him there had been no unexpected sensations today.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't you notice that the steel wool is in the shape of the letter "pi" - it may a miracle - the universe trying to tell you something....like EAT MORE PIE???? what da ya think? lol, meg
