I think a morning shower should be a time of waking up and reflecting on the day ahead. However, mine have become a bit more rushed these days since P the cat discovered the water droplets in the tub. It’s certainly not that he’s lacking water in his bowl, so I don’t know what the draw is, but he can spend a good thirty minutes in the tub playing with the liquid beads and pondering life (something I can relate to). On most mornings he begins slapping the curtain and poking his head in through the steam as soon as he hears water splashing. I know I could close the door, but it’s just easier to turn everything off and get out than to spend time shooing him away. Maybe one day he’ll share his insights with me.
Maybe he thinks better in the shower! We all know I do. Don't fall over if he climbs out and meows-"I've been thinking"!