Saturday, December 31, 2011

365 / 365 That’s a Wrap!

With this entry we wrap up the year, putting a bow on our blog as we thank our faithful readers for following us on our 365-day adventure.  Although I am leaving daily deadlines behind, you can follow me over at my Tree Fishing blog, where I’ll be adding entries as the spirit moves me.

I wish you all the best in 2012… take care.

Friday, December 30, 2011

364 / 365 Transition Time

During the last few days of December I feel a mix of nostalgia and anticipation as I wait to cross over into the new year.  Yesterday my sister S and I sifted through fifty years of family slides, culling twenty-one trays down to a thousand keepers.  Today I’ve been going through a stack of old photos S gave me of relatives long deceased.  It’s been a week of honoring the past.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

362 / 365 Grade-A Memories

Today I’ve been taking pictures of some of the Christmas ornaments that my sisters and I made as kids under Mom’s direction.  I’ve always loved these egg ornaments, but they are extremely fragile.  The only surviving one that Mom made herself is on the far right… it’s over forty years old.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

361 / 365 Within Reach

Yes, this is a pool cue… and no, we do not have a pool table.  This was a creative Christmas gift from my loving husband who wanted me to be able to reach the Hush™ Button on my new smoke detector (also a thoughtful gift).  It seems I have a tendency to set the current one off when I’m cooking, and H thought of this win-win solution.

Monday, December 26, 2011

360/ 365 Tea Time

I’ve been trying to cut back my coffee intake and broaden my appreciation for tea.  My thoughtful sister L gave me several varieties of bulk-packaged, full-leaf teas for Christmas.  I’ve tried three of the six and love the black teas, but one of the green teas is going back on the shelf.  Who knew that tea could taste fishy?

Sunday, December 25, 2011