Monday, February 28, 2011

59 / 365 Storms Afoot

Strong storms arrived in our neighborhood late this afternoon, accompanied by the always worrisome sound of the county tornado-warning sirens.  When I got home, H was away at a class, and the house was extremely quiet.  The sky had taken on that yellow, pre-tornado look, and the rain poured down.  As the cracks of thunder kept getting louder, I found myself planning for the worst:

1.      Check on my mother-in-law.  Find the portable oxygen tank and prepare to fill it on short notice.
2.      Locate the cat carrier, remembering not to tell P the cat that he is #2 on the list.
3.      Determine how to fit all of the following into our small, centrally located guest bathroom: H’s mom (with oxygen), P (with food, water, litter box), me, and hopefully H (as soon as he gets home).
4.      Change my clothes into something more comfortable in case the house blows away.

In reality, the best I was able to do was to slip into looser jeans (see #4) and consume a package of Girl Scout cookies.  I’m glad the storm wasn’t any worse than it was.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad too! Especially after eating the girl scout cookies-sounds like it would have been a tight enough fit in that bathroom before the cookies!! Who knows who or what would have had to crouch on the floor outside the bathroom! HaHa!!
